Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A pre ice storm trip to Wal-Mart

Get ready to be entertained to say the least. As most of you know the great ice storm of 2010 is going to make it presents tomorrow. Well I had to go get groceries tonight for us to survive this adventure. I knew going into this it was going to be a madhouse but it had to be done. I am going to use the 1.2.3 method to explain the craziness

1. It was 52 degrees when I went into Wal-Mart. People are acting as though it is icy and snow covered already outside. Relax and just get your darn groceries

2. There is NO need to run! It will only make shopping worse for everyone including yourself.

3. To the lady who was taking groceries out of another shoppers cart, there is no need for that. I know that there was a bread shortage but I mean really! I kid you not she took 2 loaves of bread out of a ladies cart. I was shocked

4. I hope this next statement offends anyone: to the Hispanic parents DON'T LET YOUR KIDS LAY, RUN, CRAWL OR ANYTHING ELSE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WALK WAY!! You can only get 2 carts side by side in an isle and if your children are in the way it causes a traffic jam.

5. To the lady that was behind me in the check out, you have to back up away from the debt card thing so I can sign if you want to be able to check out anytime in the next decade! BACK OFF and stop hitting me with your darn cart.

I am now home and my groceries are put away, my blood pressure is now back to where is should be! Thank  Goodness!!

Another thing that peeves me about the STUPID storm is I have a very excited soon to be 5 year old, that is really hoping for a great Fun City birthday Saturday and as of this moment my not happen because of  this stupid weather.

I think I am done blabbing about the amazing shoppers at my local Wal-Mart!

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