Sunday, May 16, 2010

Six Years Ago....

* let me start by saying I am so sorry for the quality of these pictures! I don't have them scanned so I had to take a picture of the picture! 

Six years ago this was us

May 16, 2004 we stood in front of our family and friends and made the promise to love each other always! 

We don't have anything exciting planned for the year. C has had to work the last 2 weekends. We are planning to just go to dinner and a movie one night. 

It is crazy how fast time goes by! 

Ohhhhh I cut all my hair off the other day! 

I know that was totally random but I LOVE it!!! 

It is raining here AGAIN today and I have a job interview this afternoon so I am going to be productive with the rest of my morning... Ok that was a total lie! I am sure I will be on the computer until I have to shower and get ready! : )

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