Thursday, October 29, 2009


Everyday I wake up and I am thankful that I have a job, a roof over my head, food on my table, clothes on my back and of course my family. I know that there are people out there that don't have a job, or they are about to lose their house or car, I know that some people go to bed hungry. I am very aware of the world around me and I am scared. I am scared that when J is older things will be worse than they are now. It makes me want to lock in him in a closet forever! But some how I don't think DHS would approve of that : ) I am glad that J is healthy and happy. I have been reading MckMama for a while now. If you don't know Stellan's story please go read it. I don't even know this little boy and he has captured my heart. I love the MckFamily. I love how MckMama is so strong and through it all she still is strong enough to share the adventures of her MSC. I have added Stellan and MckMama to my prayers everynight.

So step back and take a look at things you maybe taking for granted: your job, your home, your family, and remember that something can happen in a blink of an eye. I have stopped stressing that my house isn't clean and my laundry isn't always completely done. Now we have been doing more things as a family. We carved pumpkins the other night and had a blast doing it. I would love to show you pictures but I can't because my camera battery is DEAD! And the charger is MIA!!! So if you have seen my charger could you please tell me where it is!

~ A


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